We've Moved In Together!


If you follow me on Instagram then you already heard the news, but I figure I share it on the blog too (even though I’m about a month late).

KSOLE and I recently moved in together, yes for the first time! Despite being together for over 7 years (hah). We actually never felt like the timing was right and I know what you’re thinking, “the timing is never right” and yes, you are correct because we moved in on April 1st — in the middle of this whole pandemic and boy, was that fun (*insert sarcastic face).

As much as I loved my studio apartment, after 7 years there, it was time to go! Plus the property was in the midst of being sold and I did not want to wait around to see what was going to happen. KSOLE and I didn’t have a formal discussion about moving in, it actually was more of a passing thought for the near future (we were estimating 6 months from the time). However, as the weeks went by, I started having some issues with my studio apartment and so we started scheduling apartment viewings. Initially, it was just to get an idea of the market so we know how much to save up. Note: this was before the stay at home order was initiated. We honestly did not expect to find something so soon and we didn’t exactly have all the necessary funds (deposit + first month + any other moving costs), but after a week of viewings, I stumbled upon our current apartment and instantly fell in love. I had gone alone but loved the place so much, I brought KSOLE back the same day to look on it, and we both agreed that this was it.

We had a few hurdles to get through and I’m going to be completely transparent that while we both loved the place, we spent a lot of time contemplating if it was the right time to move. With uncertainty in the creative industry and the rapid changes across the world, we were absolutely fearful of this next step. We played around with a couple of ideas, did some negotiations, and essentially left it up to fate. In the end, the signs all pointed to moving forward with the apartment and we signed the agreement mid-March.

We moved in April 1st, however, it took us a total of 5 trips over a span of 4 days to move everything. Since the stay at home order was in place, we couldn’t ask for help nor did we want any of our friends to be put at risk. We wore masks and gloves while moving in, ensuring we still stayed 6-feet away when meeting new neighbors, and spent the first week deep cleaning the new apartment.

We’re both excited, happy, and honestly, I am so grateful for this move as it’s been keeping me busy during the quarantine. Can’t wait to show you the entire place, but for now, check out parts of our cozy home on my Instagram!

Stay safe & sending you good vibes!

Lisa Linh

A curated collection by Lisa Linh featuring guides, tips & tricks, and advice for your getaways, business, and life.


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