5 Things That Helped Me During Pregnancy

Sometimes I wish there was a handbook on how to navigate pregnancy, from the morning sickness to the round ligament pain, to the sleepless nights and lightning crotch that comes out of nowhere. But then again, no two pregnancies are the same so trying to just figure out what works for you is a challenge in itself. I don’t know about you, but I get a new symptom every other week and all you can do is “ride through it”. The upside is that I keep being told that feeling these symptoms is a good sign that the baby is growing, but that doesn’t make me feel any better (physically).

As I enter into the third trimester, with less than 12 weeks to go, I figured I put together a list of things that have helped me keep my sanity and keep me somewhat comfortable these last few months. You never know, some of these things may help you too (if you’re pregnant or planning on it).

Pregnancy Pillow

I’m sure you’ve already heard and have been told that you need one, and there are quite a few different types of pillows so feel free to try out different ones to see what you like. I love my C pillow and have been using it since my first trimester. My husband also loves it too and has been caught stealing it once or twice. I was fortunate enough that my friend gave me hers after her son was born, but I found a very similar one to mine on Amazon.

Sleep Shirts / Oversized T-shirts

There is going to come a time when pants become unbearable, or at least for me. Even if they’re not that tight, just having something sitting on my belly was not comfortable for me so I stocked up on oversized men's t-shirts and sleep shirts. Paired with men’s boxers or these maternity undies that sit below the belly truly helped me.

Prenatal Gummies

My morning sickness was not fun and the heightened sense of smell you get did not help when it came to taking any type of prenatal vitamins. I already hate taking pills and many of the prenatal brands I tried taking just turned me off the moment I opened the bottle. Fish oil especially was hard for me to even swallow. After speaking with my doctor and a few mama friends, I discovered prenatal gummies and specifically use this brand. It’s easy to chew, tastes good, and most importantly, smells good. I love them and would recommend them to anyone having a hard time keeping anything down. Side note: for anyone with really bad nausea, try these pops and/or soft chews.

Working Out

I get it. You already have low energy and feel like shit so the desire to work out can be daunting. However, as someone who was already boxing before being pregnant, I had no issues keeping it up during the first and most of the second trimester. It honestly helped relieve my stress and kept me sane mentally. However, I have to admit that it’s been almost two months since I’ve been back and this third-trimester exhaustion is real so I may only go back a couple more times before the baby comes.

Having a Supportive Partner

It truly takes a village to keep you going through pregnancy and I am blessed to have a supportive husband who has gone above & beyond for me and our baby throughout these past months. I don’t know where I would be mentally & emotionally if it wasn’t for him. Pregnancy does take a toll on you in all aspects and if that wasn’t enough, the unsolicited advice and tips you get left & right will also drive you insane. Having a grounding partner who can remind you of who you are, help you through the worst of the symptoms, and make you feel safe and comfortable while also ensuring that you are heard and advocate for your needs and rights has been the number one thing I needed throughout this pregnancy. On top of that, my best friends and family (specifically my in-laws) have been so amazing in helping out too. I’m not even worried about when the baby is here because I know how loved and supported he and we will be because of our community.

I understand how much of a privilege it is to have help and I know that not everyone has it, so I do want to acknowledge that while having physical support is great, emotional and mental support is even more important so please remember that you are not alone and that there are resources available. Therapy and support groups are great tools, and I am in a Facebook support group for women in their 30s who are pregnant, as I did need the extra support myself. Growing a human is not easy at all so please give yourself grace through this process.

(Bonus) What to Expect When You’re Expecting

My sister-in-law gifted me this book during my first trimester and it was an easy read, very informative, and practical. Most people read it as they go through the trimesters and it does help answer some common questions. Would recommend reading as a first-time mom.

Lisa Linh

A curated collection by Lisa Linh featuring guides, tips & tricks, and advice for your getaways, business, and life.


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