How to Start 2020 Strong

2019 was one heck of a year. I took risks, failed, had big wins, grew my brand in a direction I’m very proud of and worked really damn hard. Being a Master’s student and full-time blogger is no joke. I discovered more about myself than prior years, grew more confident, had a few breakdowns along the way as well, but ultimately, 2019 has been transformational and empowering. That being said, 2020 is just around the corner and I don’t know about you but I’m ready to kick some butt.

With what’s left of this decade, I’m already putting together plans, ideas, and goals to conquer 2020, by cleaning up and organizing my life and business. Of course, this involves a lot of reflecting, goal setting, and, of course, rest -- because who wants to be burnt out or exhausted within the new year? I’ll probably go into full hibernation mode for at least 2 days between the 27th and 31st.

But until then, here’s how we can start 2020 strong, together!

Reflect, Clarify, and Confirm

I made it a point to reflect every single month this year by writing down a short recap at the end of each month/beginning of a new month, which includes my high and low moments. This allows me to clarify what worked, what I liked, what I don’t, etc. It also keeps me on track with the bigger picture, aka my 2019 resolutions. After reflecting and clarifying what I want to keep/have reoccurred in my life, I confirm my goals for next month and set my intentions by writing them into my journal. You can write it down on your phone or whatever you look at often (whiteboard, a post-it on the fridge, etc.), but make sure you write it down.

This reflection exercise has proved to be useful and makes it super easy to reflect on the entire year, which in turn, helps with creating resolutions for 2020. However, if you didn’t have time to do this in 2019, don’t worry and be sure to start in 2020. For now, just think back through your year -- go through your calendar, emails, invoices, camera roll/photo album, and FB/Instagram to help you remember. Then proceed to journal down your favorite/best moments, times you went through that were particularly hard but you survived, and what you’ve accomplished this year. Here are some other journaling prompts you can use:

  • What were my top 3 wins in 2019?

  • What do I want more of in 2020?

  • What burden can I let go of in 2020?

  • What was hard in 2019?

  • What did my favorite days of 2019 look like?

If you’re looking for more structure, my friend Joanne of @gofitjo created a comprehensive 2020 intention setting guide, that I also use and like.

Write Down Your Priorities and Goals for 2020

Now that you have a year-in-review, what direction are you hoping to take in 2020? Are you moving up in your career? Taking that side hustle full-time? Write down big and small priorities, anything from spending more time reading or meditating for five minutes each morning, to taking an international trip or doubling your income! Whatever is important to you should be prioritized. One thing I want to note is that you have to set these goals for yourself, don’t set goals based on what society is saying you should do. If reading or furthering your education is more important to you than getting to the gym more often, it’s okay to prioritize that. Make sure you know what your true goals are before moving forward with anything.

Once you have your big-picture priorities, break them down quarterly or monthly. Divide your year up and set one goal every three months. This will provide a clear sense of direction and also a bit of urgency. This way, you’re not going to find yourself in December of 2020 forgetting what your Jan 2020 goals even were.

Plan Ahead, Take Action Right Now

Taking action is exciting and motivating, so schedule meetings for January now that are going to get you in the direction of those goals! Book a call with that person you’ve been meaning to work with, start planning your new content shoots, do whatever you can today to ensure that you’ve set yourself up for success in the new year!

There are a lot of great resources online (cue Pinterest) to help you with any type of planning. Whether you’re needing to plan your content for the year, find the perfect day planner, find templates to better organize your finances or anything else, you can definitely find something on Pinterest. Look for a free PDF download, print it out and you’ll have a pretty and perfectly structured resource to use throughout your year.

Get Your Numbers Straight

Whether or not you consider yourself a “numbers person”, take some time to review your financial statements and closeout any loose ends to get ready for tax season now! Imagine getting this all done before Christmas?! I’m not going to lie, this task is daunting, but getting it together now so that you have even less to worry when we hit the ground running 2020 will be a huge relief.

If you’re a freelancer, be even more intentional when looking into your numbers. What story do the numbers tell you? What projects were lucrative for you this year? Where might have you undercharged? What’s your overhead spending like on a monthly basis? Is it time to reassess your work and fees to create an even more prosperous year in 2020? January is a great time to implement a new pricing structure!

Take A Day - Or Two OFF

After the Christmas festivities die down, before New Year’s Eve, take some time to rejuvenate. Christmas can often feel more exhausting than anything. There's a high expectation to hustle and bustle this time of year and it’s sometimes just not worth it.

Slow down, unplug, delete Instagram off your phone, and take time for something that energizes you! Hang out around the house, visit your favorite coffee shop, spend some time with yourself before the year closes. Use these days to implement some of the reflection and goal-setting I shared above, or simply “turn off” and order take out while catching up on your favorite shows. Your body and mind will thank you.

However, you decide to get ready for the New Year, be sure to check in with yourself to see what YOU need the most. Let go of the stress of impressing or pleasing others and just do the best thing for you! It might be sitting down with headphones for 5 hours and planning a strategy for 2020, or it might just be cozying up in your warm bed, a few Christmas movies, and tea on repeat. There is no right or wrong way to get yourself ready for the new decade.

I can only imagine that you have a ton of upcoming events and parties and maybe too much red wine in your future, so be sure to take a minute and look back on what’s happened in 2019, set some goals and start 2020 strong!

This post was written by Johanna, a freelance content writer who specializes in Influencer Marketing


Johanna is a freelance content writer who specializes in Influencer Marketing.

Fairmont Kea Lani


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