My Top 11 Must-Have for Pregnancy

We can’t control the pregnancy symptoms we get nor how our body changes during pregnancy, but there are a few things in our control. These are the top 11 things that I reached for the most throughout my pregnancy that may help you feel a little more comfortable and make pregnancy a little easier.

Note: these are things that worked for me so take what resonates with you and leave what doesn’t.

Hatch Leggings (use code LISA15 for 15% off your order)

Before becoming pregnant, I told myself I wouldn’t be that person who lives in leggings throughout her pregnancy and while I was able to keep that promise to myself during the first and second trimesters, I have since thrown that theory out the window because third trimester is truly about being comfortable in whatever I can. But NOT all leggings are made the same! I’ve tried a few off Amazon and hated the material of most or the fit was just not flattering. I was introduced to Hatch’s leggings and OMG, I’m never wearing anything else. I’ve been living in these leggings for the past two months, and yes they are an investment, but the best part about Hatch is that their pieces are made for postpartum moms as well. So you bet I’m going to keep wearing these leggings months after the baby is here. They are just buttery soft and comfortable, and I love that it doesn’t lose their shape after the wash. Do pay attention to the label when washing though. I have two pairs of these on heavy rotation and a few other Hatch pieces that I love as well such as their slip dress, jumpsuit, and sweater. I would rather invest in pieces that I truly love and will be able to wear after birth than go cheap and temporary. Hatch gave me a code to share with my audience so use LISA15 at checkout for 15% off your order!

Rothy’s Slippers

So I bought Crocs because everyone said they’re a must for pregnancy. They’re OK but not the most comfortable for long-term wear or maybe I haven’t worn them enough? But the minute I put on these Rothy’s clogs, I fell in love. No break-in period is required like Birks and they look much better than Birks too. There’s a reason why they’re always out of stock! I live in these and am tempted to get another pair just to have as house slippers. Trust me when I say that if you see these available in your size, BUY THEM right away. Otherwise, you’ll be stuck on a waitlist. They are worth it.

Yoga Ball

I have to admit that I did not understand what a yoga ball would do for me at first. Bouncing up and down does what? But then I started looking up some exercises for it and now I use it every night before bed to stretch out my hips and do those figure 8s. It does help a bit and honestly, sometimes I just sit on it because it’s more comfortable than some of the chairs we have in the house. This is dependent on the person but it doesn’t hurt to try it out for yourself to see.

Magnesium Powder

My chiropractor introduced me to his favorite magnesium powder to drink and for the last few nights before bed, I’ve had a cup of this and have been able to sleep pretty well (with the exceptions of the pee breaks). I was taking the magnesium gummies from Garden of Life and my prenatal had some magnesium in it, but the leg cramps and tiredness were still there so why not try this right? This is it. It does the trick. It helps me sleep and stay asleep, which is something I am taking full advantage of right now. The raspberry lemonade flavor honestly isn’t my favorite and it doesn’t look like there is another flavor available (at least at Target) but it’s manageable. This is now part of my nighttime routine and I recommend for any other mamas who need sleep to try it out too.

Prenatal Massages & Prenatal Chiropractor Visits

If it is within your budget to do so, I suggest getting prenatal massages and chiropractor visits because your body will thank you (especially towards the end of the second and throughout the third trimester). Not only will you find relief but the chiropractic visits will help your hips with birthing as well. Of course, I highly recommend doing extensive research before settling on who you see because they need to specialize in pregnancy.

If you’re in the LA area, I go to the NOW for my prenatal massages and Focus Chiropractor for my chiropractic visits. The best part for my chiropractor is that they offer postpartum and baby services too.

Below the Belly Maternity Underwear

This is a pure preference as I’ve tried both over-the-belly and below-the-belly maternity underwear, and I like the below-the-belly ones. I don’t feel like I’m suffocating in it and it doesn’t feel tight after I’ve eaten a meal. But feel free to try both and see what you like.

Compression Socks

This is another one of those things that I didn’t think was necessary but if you’re going on a road trip, on a plane, or to Disneyland (like I did) then these will help you survive the day. I love the Comrad brand just because it’s comfortable to me and I like the knee-high ones but feel free to try any brand. They have several different styles of socks and the quality is really good.

Maternity Pillow

Some people like maternity pillows and some prefer just the ones that sit under the bump, and then some just use regular body pillows. It is completely up to you on what you want to use and honestly, it may change throughout pregnancy too. I’ve been using the C-shaped pillow since my first trimester and in the third trimester, I’ve added in regular pillows to the inside of the c so I can feel like I’m in a cacoon (because it’s more comfortable for me that way). Some nights I can’t stand the maternity pillow and have to sleep upright, and some nights I maneuver the pillow in all sorts of ways to find a comfortable spot. Either way, I need a pillow of some sort for support and this is just the one I like.

Erasable Pens

I know this is weird to see on a pregnancy list but if you have a pregnancy brain and/or end up making up mistakes a lot when it comes to planning or whatever, erasable pens are your life savers. For example, if you are filling out any important forms and just have a brain fart, at least you can erase that mistake. I use an actual daily planner and so for me, this helps me with my indecisiveness (haha). Overall though, I think everyone should have erasable pens in their lives for everything.

Belly Band

This has been a recent thing for me since baby boy has gotten heavier in the last month. My chiropractor also suggested this as well and I’ve been using it mostly in the evenings, when I feel the heaviest. Having it sit on my hips and lift my belly just a bit provides temporary relief for about 15-20 minutes, and I will take that any day. Again, this is a preference because I know some women don’t like it or enjoy it.

Lisa Linh

A curated collection by Lisa Linh featuring guides, tips & tricks, and advice for your getaways, business, and life.

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