My High Vibrational Morning Routine


I’m a night owl at heart and I like to think that it’s because I was born around 8 PM. I feel more energized at night and my mind can get all sorts of ideas, which is great for the most part. However, when you have a career that actually requires you to take advantage of the sunlight during the day (because I’m a natural light photographer), and your agent is 2 hours ahead, you start to realize that waking up at 12PM isn’t that reasonable. It works on the weekends though and I can fully admit that Sundays are my laziest days. I really don’t know how people get up at 5 AM and I do not believe you have to wake up that early just to be considered productive. FYI - your worth is not measured by how busy you are :)

My goal is to work smarter, not harder, so I created a high vibrational morning routine that’s been working well for me for the last 3-months. I figured why not share it, for anyone else who wants to get up and feel great every morning.

For those who prefer a visual example of my morning routine, click here.

Get 8 hours of SLEEP.

I don’t care what time you went to bed, but utilize that sleep function on your iPhone to wake up after 8-hours of sleep. I could function off 6-hours for most of the day, but I’ll need a nap. Everyone is different, in regards to how much sleep they need, but research shows that women need more sleep so stop scrolling on Tiktok at night and go to bed.

Make the bed.

Get up, pull up the blinds/open the curtains, let that sunshine in, and make your bed. Trust me, I hated making my bed growing up but now that I’m in my 30’s, I find it a bit calming to have this in my routine. Plus if there’s nothing else you get done for the rest of the day, at least you can say that you made the bed. It honestly does motivate me to do more things after I’m done. You’ll also be less likely to want to jump back into bed after it’s made.

A warm shower and skincare routine will wake you up.

A warm shower with music blasting in the bathroom is one way to get you moving. My neighbors hate me for singing off-key but at least they can’t say my taste in music is bad (because my downstairs neighbor listens to the same thing). I love doing a shower cleanse, which essentially is me closing my eyes, surrendering to the showerhead, and visualizing that I’m washing away any leftover stress or worries from the previous day and am starting fresh.

After the shower, I have a quick 5-minute skincare routine that leaves my face feeling amazing and I’m ready for the next step — coffee!

There’s just something about making coffee in the AM.

The process of making coffee for me isn’t as intricate as others, because I have a Nespresso machine BUT the smell of coffee and pouring the frothed milk over it is still a vibe. I love getting a bit creative every now and then, adding some cinnamon and whip cream to make it fancy. That first sip always hits the spot.

Now let’s flow.

Twice a week I go boxing so I’ll skip my morning stretches on those days since I do a full warm-up at the gym. On the days I’m just going to be working from home, I do a quick yoga flow using this chart by @wabisabimish. Moving your body gets your mind going, or at least for me, and now I’m in a good headspace and have just one last thing to do.

Practice gratitude and/or do a brain dump.

Journaling for 10-15 minutes, not too long, but just enough to dump out any excess thoughts so I can focus better. I like to write down one thing I’m grateful for and just kind of write down whatever it is that’s on my mind for 10-15 minutes (I have a timer set). Sometimes I switch out the journaling for a quick 15-20 minutes reading session too. It’s whatever I’m in the mood for.

Now I know you’re probably thinking, how long does this all take? Surprisingly, less than an hour!

Less than 10-minutes to make the bed, 15-minutes to shower, 5-minutes for my skincare routine then coffee takes less than 10-minutes to make. My morning stretches are just 10-minutes, but if I go to boxing then that’s an hour. Journaling or reading for 10-20 minutes max before proceeding with my workday, so yeah, that’s about an hour or a little bit over. It honestly doesn’t take long and the mood I’m in afterward makes it all worth it.

How do you like to set the tone for your morning?

Lisa Linh

A curated collection by Lisa Linh featuring guides, tips & tricks, and advice for your getaways, business, and life.

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