Life Lisa Linh Life Lisa Linh

4 Ways to Wind Down with the HP x360

With the start of a new job, I've been extremely busy and am still recovering from our Vegas trade show. It's no secret that as you get older, your body starts to slow down. Therefore, breaks are mandatory and taking some time for yourself is essential in surviving. 

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Wellness Lisa Linh Wellness Lisa Linh

Far From Perfect

It’s funny how social media is a resource and reference for what people deem to be true. Whatever we post or say is always assumed to be a reflection of our direct lives. Sure we like to brag, show-off and low-key ask for sympathy during our darkest hours (i.e. break up’s), however as humans we also like to assume and lie. Therefore, everything seen on your phone and computers should be taken with a grain of salt. For example: my relationship.

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Wellness Lisa Linh Wellness Lisa Linh

Over It All: Insecurities

Insecurities, we all have them but as humans, we try not to focus on the negative aspects of our bodies. Well, at least we try not to emphasize it. As bloggers, we already know that we will run across rude and distasteful comments from the public from time to time. After all, we're always being judged, watched and ridiculed for how we look, what we wear and what others assume of us. I understand the consequences of being a blogger, however it fathoms me that people will follow others on social media just to criticize. Why would you waste your time on someone you dislike? 

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